
In-State Fiscal Year 2017, OhioMHAS offered two communities mini-grant funding with the goal of developing community capacity for sustained data collection, planning, and reporting on substance use disorders among youth. Two wrap-around support partners – Ohio’s Coaching and Mentoring Network (OCAM) and Ohio’s SPF-PFS Evaluation Team (OSET) – offer these two communities considerable technical assistance, learning events, and readiness development opportunities.

As a result of this capacity-building work, Adams and Lawrence Counties leveraged their experience to receive additional funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Beginning in Federal Fiscal Year 2020, Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs will coordinate the $1.5 million award over five years. This new award will allow the coalitions in Adams and Lawrence Counties to continue building capacity to address underage drinking among persons aged 9 to 20 and up to two additional, data-driven substance abuse prevention priorities in the community. ​